Embracing Menopause

Welcome to a transformative phase of life that holds immense potential for growth and self-discovery – menopause. As women in our 40s and 50s, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture where the importance of well-being, both physically and emotionally, becomes paramount. Menopause is not just a hormonal transition; it is a profound journey that … Read more

Understanding Menopause

I hope this post finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, I would like to address a topic that affects many of us during this stage of life – understanding menopause. While it may seem like an intimidating word, I believe it’s time we shift our mindset and embrace this transformative phase with … Read more

Coffee and The Menopause

How do you like your coffee: black and strong, white with milk or cream? Or has your taste changed Let’s dive into the delightful world of coffee and explore the benefits of coffee and the menopause and perimenopause. Coffee, the magical elixir that can brighten up even the dreariest mornings, offers a plethora of benefits … Read more

Supplements for Perimenopause

During perimenopause, hormonal changes can lead to a range of symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, and vaginal dryness. We should include vitamins and minerals in our daily lives because they play critical roles in supporting our overall health and well-being. Many of the nutrients listed help alleviate these symptoms and support … Read more

Mood Swings during Menopause

    Perimenopause is a transitional period in a woman’s life, where her body undergoes significant hormonal changes in preparation for menopause. This stage typically begins in a woman’s 40s but can start as early as the late 30s and can last anywhere from a few months to several years. During this time, women may … Read more

Stop Weight Gain During Menopause.

Happy lady walking her dog

Let me begin by telling you all the positive things about menopause.  We always hear the negatives. No more periods. Your intuitions increase. More wisdom and perspective More energy. Keep reading to find ways to stop weight gain during menopause. Increase your physical activity. I had a client, a lady in menopause, who was struggling … Read more

Stress and Perimenopause

I looked up the word stress to find out the true meaning.  Stress is a word that is used a lot during perimenopause.  The meaning of the word stress: is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress is a physiological and psychological response to a challenging or … Read more

What Happens During Perimenopause

Two ladies looking at the sea

These are some of the questions I get asked: “What happens during perimenopause?” When does perimenopause start? Perimenopause typically starts several years before menopause, usually in a woman’s 40s. But it can start earlier or later depending on your family history, so your mum or grandmother is an important part of the picture.  It’s good … Read more

How To Lose Weight During Menopause. A full Breakdown.

weight lose with out dieting

It’s so depressing when your belly has grown and you feel 5 months pregnant.  I partially hate when your tummy lies beside you in bed.  So, how to lose weight during menopause? First I would like to tell you that you can do something about weight loss and not starve or deprive yourself. I understand … Read more

About Lucy – Founder of Menopause Answers

Lucy Townsley

I am Lucy, founder of My Menopause Answers,  a mother of 3 children, a horse lover, an avid reader, and an energetic straight-talking women’s health consultant. Inspiring women to be passionate about themselves again. I have seen women struggle in silence for WAY too long!! It’s time to be heard!! Through my 25 years of … Read more